Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cara Upgrade Windows XP Menjadi Windows Vista

Mengupgrade sebuah komputer dari Windows XP ke Windows Vista bisa menjadi sebuah transisi yang halus dengan persiapan yang tepat. Anda perlu memastikan dulu bahwa komputer mampu menjalankan Windows Vista. Cara termudah untuk melakukannya adalah menggunakan Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor, yang juga akan memberikan aksi-aksi yang harus Anda lakukan sebelum upgrade.

Jalankan Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor

Langkah paling awal yang harus Anda lakukan sebelum mengupgrade sebuah komputer yang menjalankan Windows XP ke Windows Vista adalah menjalankan Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor. Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor memindai sebuah komputer dan kemudian memberi Anda sebuah laporan yang mudah dibaca yang memuat informasi berikut:
Apakah sebuah komputer yang menjalankan Windows XP siap untuk diupgrade ke Windows Vista
Apakah sebuah komputer yang menjalankan Windows Vista siap diupgrade ke edisi Windows Vista yang lebih canggih
Edisi Windows Vista mana yang paling cocok untuk komputer
Fitur-fitur dari Windows Vista mana yang akan dapat dijalankan pada komputer
Update perangkat keras mana yang perlu diinstal dan menjalankan edisi dan fitur Windows Vista yang sesuai
Segala aplikasi yang telah diinstal pada komputer yang mungkin mengalami masalah kompatibilitas dengan Windows Vista dan merekomendasikan cara-cara untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut

Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor bahkan memberikan sebuah daftar tugas dengan aksi-aksi yang harus Anda lakukan sebelum mengupgrade ke Windows Vista, termasuk program dan driver perangkat keras mana yang perlu diupdate dan mana yang tidak kompatibel dengan Windows Vista dan mana yang perlu disingkirkan.

Update Komponen Sistem

Jika Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor mendeteksi sebuah komponen dasar perangkat lunak pada komputer, seperti sebuah kartu video atau memori, yang tidak memenuhi kebutuhan minimum untuk menjalankan Windows Vista, Anda perlu menggantu komponen tersebut sebelum upgrade ke Windows Vista. Cari logo Certified for Windows Vista pada perangkat baru untuk memastukan bahwa produk tersebut telah diuji untuk bekerja dengan Windows Vista. Anda dapat mengujungi Windows Marketplace untuk membeli produk-produk bersertifikasi.

Update Piranti atau Driver Perangkat Keras

Jika Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor mendapati bahwa sudah ada driver perangkat keras untuk seluruh komponen perangkat keras yang tertempel pada komputer Anda, maka tidak ada yang perlu Anda khawatirkan. Jika Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor mendeteksi sebuah perangkat yang belum memiliki driver perangkat keras, laporan akan memberitahu Anda apakah driver tersedia dari Windows Update atau jika Anda perlu mengunduhnya dari situ Web pembuat perangkat tersebut. Jika tidak ada driver untuk perangkat tersebut yang kompatibel dengan Windows Vista, Anda harus memutuskannya selama upgrade dan mengganti perangkat tersebut dengan perangkat yang kompatibel dengan Windows Vista atau menunggu pembuat perangkat menyediakan driver perangkat yang kompatibel dengan Windows Vista.

Update atau Ganti Program

Jika Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor mendeteksi sebuah program yang diinstal tidak kompatibel dengan Windows Vista, laporan akan memberitahu Anda tindakan yang harus Anda lakukan. Kadangkala, sebuah update untuk program tersedia dari situs Web produsennya. Kadangkala, Anda perlu membeli versi baru dari program tersebut. Jika tidak tersedia versi program yang kompatibel dengan Windows Vista, Anda harus uninstall program tersebut sebelum mengupgrade ke Windows Vista dan menggantikannya dengan sebuah program yang kompatibel dengan Windows Vista setelah upgrade selesai.

Dalam banyak kasus, perangkat lunak keamanan (seperti program anti-spyware dan antivirus) dan beberapa perangkat lunak utilitas disk (seperti beberapa program defragmentasi disk) yang ditulis untuk Windows versi sebelumnya tidak kompatibel dengan Windows Vista dah harus di-uninstalled sebelum upgrade

Backup Komputer Anda

Sebelum mengupgrade komputer Anda ke Windows Vista atau sebelum melakukan perubahan mayor sistem, Anda harus selalu mencadangkan data pengguna yang penting ke sebuah lokasi yang aman dan terpercaya. Mintalah Bantuan Seorang Profesional.

Jika Anda mendapat masalah pada saat menginstal Windows Vista SP1, Microsoft menyediakan bantuan untuk masalah-masalah instalasi melalui e-mail, chat, atau telepon bebas pulsa sampai dengan 18 Maret 2009. Jika Anda mengupgrade sebuah komputer berbasis Windows XP ke Windows Vista dengan SP1, Anda akan mendapatkan dukungan cuma-cuma selama 90 hari.

Jika Anda ingin sistem Anda dinilai dan dipersiapkan secara profesional untuk Windows Vista atau sistem Office 2007, Anda dapat menghubungi seorang Microsoft IT Specialist. Mereka memiliki perangkat dan pelatihan yang tepat untuk menyediakan layanan ini dengan cepat.


Friday, December 30, 2011

Tips Membuat Komputer Berlari Kencang

Memiliki sebuah komputer pada awalnya pasti ngerasa senang sekali, karena banyak pekerjaan yang dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah setelah mempergunakan komputer. Selain itu, ketika awal kali komputer pasti dalam keadaan siap pakai, kecepatan otomatis masih dalam keadaan paling bagusnya. Seiring dengan bertambahnya umur komputer, jika sering dipakai terus tanpa ada perawatan yang berarti pasti kecepatan laptop akan berkurang. Sebenarnya dalam hal mempercepat komputer. Banyak tips untuk mempercepat komputer, namun sebenarnya yang terpenting bagaimana anda merawat komputer anda sendiri, penggunaan yang berlebihan tanpa ada batasan tentunya akan mempengaruhi kecepatan komputer dalam bekerja. Berikut ini beberapa tips untuk mempercepat komputer paling mudah . Tips Mempercepat Komputer Paling Mudah.
Berikut ini adalah daftar cara yang dapat Anda tempuh untuk meningkatkan performa kecepatan komputer Anda kembali. Langkah-langkah ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan dalam urutan, jangan dibolak-balik. Kuncinya adalah melakukan yang paling sederhana dan paling mudah :
  1. Cek atau Pastikan Hardware Anda
    Artinya… walaupun memang sebelumnya komputer Anda cepat namun karena masalah umur maka menjadi lambat. Sangatlah mustahil untuk mempercepat komputer jika misalnya mainboard hanya mendukung Pentium 3. Jadi syarat pertama adalah hardware harus memungkinkan untuk lari kencang.
  2. Bersihkan Desktop Anda
    Apakah Anda Windows Desktop Anda penuh dihiasi dengan file? Pernahkah Anda memperhatikan bahwa komputer Anda telah berjalan lebih lambat dan lebih lambat lagi? Apakah Anda melihat cahaya hard drive sering berkedip sementara Anda menunggu komputer untuk menanggapi tindakan? Ada beberapa langkah yang dapat Anda ambil untuk memperbaikinya. Jangan terlalu banyak file berserakan di desktop karena secara signifikan walaupun kecil akan mempengaruhi kinerja komputer. Jadi simpanlah file pada tempatnya. Apa bedanya menyimpan banyak file didesktop dengan didrive Data? Yaitu bahwa desktop adalah bagian dari drive C: (umumnya untuk sistem) sedangkan drive Data D: (umumnya untuk menyimpan pekerjaan)
  3. Scan System Windows Anda untuk mengecek kesalahan
    Sebuah sistem operasi adalah kumpulan file yang melakukan fungsi yang berbeda. Hal ini dimungkinkan, dari waktu ke waktu, bahwa satu atau lebih file-file sistem telah berubah atau menjadi rusak. Jika hal ini terjadi, kecepatan sistem Anda bisa berkurang. Anda bisa menggunakan beberapa software seperti Software utility milik Tune Up.
  4. Scan Virus, Spyware dan Adware
    Setiap komputer Windows rentan terhadap virus apalagi yang basis Windows XP. Virus adalah program kecil yang jahat yang menyebabkan masalah baik besar dan kecil bagi pengguna. Spyware dan Adware adalah program yang dibuat oleh perusahaan untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut tentang pelanggan. Biasanya program ini tidak dibuat untuk tujuan berbahaya. Spyware dan Adware berada dalam memori komputer dan akan memperlambatnya. Scanning berkala dan penghapusan Virus, Spyware dan Adware merupakan cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan kinerja komputer.
  5. Uninstall Program yang tidak digunakan
    Seiring waktu, Anda mungkin telah mengumpulkan program-program di komputer Anda yang tidak Anda gunakan. Ketika program terinstal, menciptakan hubungan antara program dan sistem operasi. Bahkan jika Anda tidak menggunakan program-program ini, mereka dapat memperlambat sistem anda. Jika Anda memiliki disk instalasi program asli atau file, menghapus program ini akan membebaskan ruang pada komputer Anda dan dapat mempercepat kinerja sistem Anda.
  6. Mengatur Efek Visual ke posisi Best Performance
    Windows menyediakan beberapa efek visual yang menarik termasuk jendela animasi dan menu memudar. Jika Anda tidak memiliki cukup memori operasi (lihat nomor 1 di atas), efek ini dapat memperlambat komputer Anda. Menyesuaikan atau mengurangi efek visual dapat membuat perbedaan. Untuk mempercepat Vista di komputer tertentu Anda dapat menonaktifkan fitur dan fungsi yang tidak digunakan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, baca “Bagaimana mempercepat Windows Vista.”
  7. Jangan jalankan suatu Programs secara otomatis saat Start Up.
    Program menggunakan operasi memori (RAM, juga disebut sumber daya sistem). Kecuali Anda selalu menggunakan suatu program, Anda dapat menjaga mereka dari loading pada startup Windows. Tetapi jika jarang digunakan lebih baik non aktifkan saja dari auto start. Caranya adalah klik [Start] lalu pilih [Run] untuk XP lalu ketik msconfig.exe lalu [Enter]. Untuk Vista cukup ketik msconfig lalu [Enter]. Kemudian klik tab [Start Up] dan lihatlah mana saja program yang sangat jarang digunakan hapuslah tanda centangnya.
  8. Defragment Hard Drive Anda (Setelah Anda mencoba segala sesuatu yang lain)
    Semakin banyak informasi dan program yang Anda miliki di komputer Anda, semakin besar kemungkinan bahwa Windows telah menempatkan bagian-bagian file yang sama di lokasi yang berbeda pada hard drive Anda. Ini mungkin melakukan hal ini untuk ratusan file dan program, tergantung pada seberapa banyak ruang yang tersedia. Defragmenting hard drive tempat semua informasi untuk setiap file dalam satu tempat. Hasilnya adalah komputer lebih cepat. Mengenai defragment harddisk sudah pernah saya bahas secara terpisah. Intinya mempercepat komputer bukanlah pekerjaan yang susah. Untuk masalah harddisk jangan sampai harddisk anda mengalami bad sector, berdasarkan pengalaman sering kali hal ini menyebabkan kehilangan data. Untuk mengetahui harddisk terkena bad sector atau tidak klik disini.

How To Create Mozilla Firefox Browser Skin

Creating a Skin for Firefox, there are three things you need to know: how to edit images, how to extract zip files, and how to modify CSS. Firefox uses standard GIF, PNG, and JPEG images for the buttons and CSS to style everything else in the interface.

A skin does not totally change the interface; instead, it just defines how the interface looks. You can't change what happens when the user right clicks on an image, but you can change the look of the right click menu (Make it blue with pink polka dots, for example). If you want to change the functionality of Firefox, you'll have to look into modifying the chrome, which is beyond the scope of this document.

Download the latest version of Firefox and install it. Be sure to install the DOM Inspector extension as well.

Extract Theme

While you can hypothetically begin with any theme already designed for Firefox, for the sake of consistency we'll speak as though everyone is editing the default Firefox theme. This is located in the file classic.jar found in the Firefox installation directory. A .jar file is in reality a renamed zip archive. Opening the .jar files in your archive manager of choice should result in the file being automatically detected as being a zip archive. However, if your application doesn't detect classic.jar as a standard zip archive, rename the file and continue extraction.
Classic.jar locations

Linux: /usr/lib/MozillaFirefox/chrome/classic.jar or /usr/lib/firefox-*.*.*/chrome/classic.jar

Windows: \Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\chrome\classic.jar

For Mac OS X:

* Go to your applications folder
* Control click application icon(Firefox icon), choose Show Package Contents.
* Go to contents/MacOS/Chrome/classic.jar

Copy classic.jar to another easily accessible folder -- Classic is recommended -- extract the contents of that folder, being sure to maintain the directory structure.

Inside classic.jar is one directory, skin, as well as two files, preview.png and icon.png.

skin simply contains another directory, classic which holds all the good stuff.
classic contains the following directories.
browser contains all the toolbar icons, as well as the icons for the bookmark manager and the preferences window.
Doesn't do a whole lot and can typically be forgotten about promptly.
global contains almost all of the important CSS files that define the appearance of the browser. This is the most critical directory in a theme.
help contains all the files for theming the help dialog window.
mozapps contains all the styles and icons for the browser peripherals, such as the extension manager or update wizard.

Install Your New Theme

Before you can see the changes you make to a Firefox theme (since live edits are restrictively difficult to set up) you must first learn how to repackage the classic theme to make it installable. For the sake of this discussion we will call your theme "My_Theme", though you can replace that with any name.
Copying The Necessary Files

The first step is to move all the files into the right directory structure. So create a new directory called My_Theme. Into this directory put the browser, global, communicator, help, and mozapps directories from above, as well as the icon.png and preview.png files. (Yes, this means that the structure of your new directory and classic.jar will be slightly different.)
Creating the Install Files

Make a copy of contents.rdf and place it in \My_Theme and open it up in your text editor. This file is a small XML Database which is used to describe the skin.

In the code search for all instances of "My_Theme" and replace them with the name of your theme.

The packages section lists which components of the browser you're modifying. If we also had skins for Chatzilla, we would need to add another line resembling the other ones and change it to point to Chatzilla. But this list includes everything that we changed, so just modify the blue text to point to match the name/version that you used in the sections before this.

Save the file and exit the text editor.

Make a copy of install.rdf and place it in the My_Theme directory, then open it up in your text editor. This file is a small XML database that describes the skin.


The first section requires that you establish a UUID for your theme and that you give your theme a version number. Once you've done this, insert the information as above, and scroll down.

You will also have to update the minimum and maximum compatible versions for the target application (Firefox) in the following section:


Establishing both minimum and maximum compatible versions lets you avoid conflicts with versions of Firefox your theme wasn't designed for -- or wasn't tested on.

See Install Manifests for the reference information about the install.rdf file.
CSS Files

The CSS files in these directories tell the browser how to display the buttons and other controls, where to put the images, what border and padding it should put around them, and so on.

As an example, let's change the standard button.

Go into the global global directory and open button.css in your favorite text editor. Scroll down to button {. This section defines the normal button in its basic state (There is no mouse over it, it's not disabled, and it's not selected).

Change the background-color: to DarkBlue and the color: to White, and save the file.

more after I get done with some tests
Repackaging JAR

Now all you need to do is repackage a JAR file with the following directory structure, using your favorite archive manager to create a zip archive:


Make sure not to just zip up the My_Theme parent directory since that will cause the drag and drop install in the next section to fail without error messages. Once you have put the files in the zip folder, rename it to My_Theme.jar
Triggering the install from the web

To install the theme's JAR file directly from the web, you need to run some JavaScript.

Windows 7's Best Tools

Windows 7 not only attracted much attention from the press as a high-tech, but also there are many new interface changes, such as the redesigned taskbar, new file management features, libraries and others. Several tools have been enhanced which is then included with the OS. Here we discuss 10 of the best tools windows 7 which makes the job easier computing.

1. Action Center
Centralized management is hot in Windows 7 and gives you one-stop shopping site where you can take care of security, troubleshooting, and recovery, rather than searching for an applet for each part. Everything is combined in an easy to use Control Panel, where you get a maintenance and safety messages and can view performance information, change the UAC settings, and more.

This is a development from the Security Center in Windows Vista. It makes sense to combine the security settings, system maintenance, and recovery. Action Center has emerged as an icon in the system tray, which displays a red X symbol if there is a problem that needs you are looking for.

2. Problem Steps Recorder

One of the coolest new tool in Windows 7 is the Problem Steps Recorder (PSR), mainly to provide technical support to users of Windows. No matter how hard they try, but users often have problems to accurately describe their problem and steps they take before or after the experience. Sure, Remote Assistance can be a blessing in this situation. But we can not always connect to a user's computer in real time. That's when PSR come in handy.

Problem Steps Recorder is a type of software that records all actions keystrokes, mouse clicks, including screenshots etc. and save the sequence of events in an MHTML document pages. You can start by entering psr.exe PSR in the Start Search box via the command prompt option.

3. ISO burner
ISO image file is a file type that is often used to distribute software. In Windows 7, Microsoft included this as an answer to many users wish list for a long time. Now you do not need to download and install a third-party program to burn ISO files to disk. Suppose you want to create a bootable CD use this tool. This is a simple process: Once you've downloaded. ISO to your hard drive, simply double click and Windows 7 will open the Burn Disc Image dialog box to burn the disc.

4. Biometric device management

In previous Windows versions, biometric authentication and management of biometric devices (fingerprint sensor) required third party software that may or may not be well integrated with the OS. Now in Windows 7 already built in. Windows Biometric Framework, which gives developers the API that you can use to build biometrics into applications. Fingerprint sensor hardware makers, such as UPEK and AuthenTec, in cooperation with Microsoft on developing its framework. Biometric can be accessed through the Control Panel.

5. Credential Manager
Credential Manager is a new feature in Windows 7. This tool is similar in some ways premises password management features in Vista User Account but this is more sophisticated. You can manage the Windows credentials for the various computers that you are signed onto, certificate-based credentials, and others (for e-mail accounts, web accounts, etc.). This is all saved by default in Windows Vault.

Perhaps the best feature new in Credential Manager is the ability to backup an restore Vault. Microsoft recommends that you keep backing up on removable drives, such as flash drives, to back up if you experience a hardware failure. For more information, see Windows 7: Windows 7: Exploring Credential Vault Manager and Windows directly from the website.

6. Projection display and the Windows Mobility Center
If you give many presentations, you will be greeted by a new tool in Windows 7 that makes it easy for you to display projectors in the desktop Windows 7. Just press the Windows logo key + P and you will see a pop-up box where you can make the choice of presentation. The first is the default settings and displayed on computer screens only. The second clone display settings on the computer screen to the projector. A third setting to extend the desktop on both computer screen and projector, and the fourth displays only the settings through the projector and turn off the computer screen.

7. Text tuning and color calibration
Your computer might not work, but your screen is what you see throughout the day. If it does not look good, you do not get the most from your computing experience, and can even cause you eye strain. In Windows 7 there are two tools to customize the look to suit your preferences. You can access the ClearType Text Tuner from Control Panel or from the command (cttune.exe). If you have multiple monitors, you can adjust according to each monitor.

This tuning tool works much like the eye chart at the optometrist's office, and please you choose one that looks best for you. In addition to text tuner, Windows 7 provides color calibration tool. It can be accessed from the Control Panel or from the command line (dccw.exe). It helps you to adjust gamma, brightness, contrast, and color rendition on your monitor to display the best.

8. Disc Repair System
Actually, the Vista Service Pack 1 Beta already lets you easily create disc repair system with friendly graphical interface, but has been removed and re-released in the final in SP1. Windows 7 to improve this function. Just click [Start] and type [System Repair] in the Search box. Click [Create A System Repair Disc] to open the dialog box. To use the disc, please mesukkan in the drive and reboot the computer from the disk. (You may need to set the CD / DVD drive as primary boot device in BIOS) Then you will get a list of system recovery options, which include:

- Startup Repair
- System restore
- System image recovery
- Windows Memory Diagnostic
- Command prompt

9. Better backup utility
In previous Windows versions already include a backup utility, but this tool has been perfect significantly in Windows 7. Vista backup program is user friendly but not very flexible. Windows 7 provides more detailed control over what you want to backup. You can run the Backup And Restore from Control Panel or by typing a backup in the Search box on the Start menu. You can back up files to local hard disk, removable disk, DVD, or another computer on the network (origin diisinkan on the network). Then you can also choose to create a backup folder or individual libraries. You can also exclude certain folders when backing up.

10. PowerShell v2

Windows PowerShell (Figure P) is a shell command-line interface and scripting tools that make it easier for Windows administrators to automate tasks using cmdlets, which are commands that perform a single command, and scripts, which consists of several cmdlets for complex tasks , multi-step tasks. Earlier versions of Windows includes a command-line interpreter ( or cmd.exe), but PowerShell is much more powerful, also provided the UNIX environment, this command can automate nearly every function of the GUI.

PowerShell can be downloaded and run on Windows XP or Vista, but in Windows 7 is included in a built-in. PowerShell v2 adds about 240 new cmdlets, as well as APIs and new features, such as the ability to call the PowerShell scripts and cmdlets on remote computer. You can find out more about PowerShell on Microsoft's website.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cara membuat tema di Windows 7

Membuat tema sendiri di Windows 7 (theme pack) sangat mudah, cukup persiapkan wallpaper yang sesuai dengan ukuran layar monitor, beberapa icon, dan juga file suara.
Setelah mengikuti tutorial ini anda akan memiliki file extensi .themepack yang bisa diinstall di komputer lain dengan OS Windows 7.


Berikut tutorial cara membuat tema di Windows 7:

  • Masuk ke Control Panel > Personalization atau klik kanan desktop dan pilih personalize. Di Windows Personalization akan ditampilkan tema yang terinstall di Windows 7 anda.
Cara membuat tema sendiri di Windows 7

  • Klik Desktop Background untuk mengganti / memilih wallpaper dari tema yang kita buat.
Rubah desktop background di tema Win7
Klik tombol Browse dibagian Picture Location, kemudian navigasikan ke folder tempat anda menyimpan gambar wallpaper anda. (Satukan semua wallpaper didalam satu folder).
Untuk memilih semua gambar klik tombol Select All, bila sudah selesai dipilih simpan dengan menekan tombol Save changes.
  • Klik Window Color untuk mengganti warna taskbar, window border dan start menu.
Ganti warna taskbar dan border windows 7
Pilih warna dari pilihan warna yang sudah ada atau customize warna dengan merubah intensitas warna dan pencampur warna (color mixer). Simpan perubahan dengan menekan tombol Save Changes.
  • Kembali ke window Personalization, pilih Change Desktop Icons untuk mengubah ikon desktop dan Change mouse pointers untuk mengganti pointer mouse.
Merubah icon Windows7Kustomasikan kursor mouse di Windows 7
Pastikan anda mengklik kotak “Allow themes to change desktop icons”.
  • Anda juga bisa menambahkan suara dan screen saver di tema dengan mengklik Sounds dan Screen Saver dibagian bawah Personalization.
  • Setelah selesai membuat tema sesuai keinginan, anda akan menyadari di urutan pertama terdapat tema dengan nama Unsaved Theme.
Simpan tema Windows 7 ke file .themepack
  • Klik kanan tema tersebut, pilih Save theme untuk menyimpan tema di komputer atau pilih Save theme for sharing untuk membuat file .themepack yang dapat dipindahkan / diinstall ke komputer Windows 7 lain.
Simpan tema di komputer sendiri
Kotak di atas akan muncul bila anda memilih save theme di komputer
Buat file themepack di windows7
Pilih lokasi dimana file themepack disimpan dan beri dengan nama yang sesuai dengan isi “Tema Windows 7″.
Tema Windows 7 selesai dibuat, dan anda bisa mendistribusikan file .themepack tersebut ke komputer Windows 7 lain ataupun membagikannya ke teman.

BlackBerry News App For BlackBerry Smartphones Updated To Version

BlackBerry News App For BlackBerry Smartphones Updated To Version

Last but not least of RIM’s app updates for today is for BlackBerry News, now at version This release was actually released over the weekend and includes Wi-Fi support and performance enhancements. If you’re looking for a decent app to follow your favorite sites through RSS (like BlackBerry News App For BlackBerry Smartphones Updated To Version ) definitely give this one a try. For more info and to get the app find it here in BlackBerry App World.

iPhone Configuration Utility 3.4 for Windows

Download icon

About iPhone Configuration Utility 3.4 for Windows

iPhone Configuration Utility lets you easily create, maintain, encrypt, and install configuration profiles, track and install provisioning profiles and authorized applications, and capture device information including console logs.
Configuration profiles are XML files that contain device security policies, VPN configuration information, Wi-Fi settings, APN settings, Exchange account settings, mail settings, and certificates that permit iPhone and iPod touch to work with your enterprise systems. 
  • Version: 3.4
  • Post Date: October 12, 2011
  • Download ID: DL1466
  • File Size: 40.45 MB

System Requirements

  • Windows XP SP3
  • Windows Vista SP1
  • Windows 7  
  • .NET 3.5 SP1

Supported Languages

  • Deutsch, English, Français, 日本語, Español, Italiano, Nederlands

Office Home and Student 2010 Our most popular suite for families and students

Create your best work for home and school projects with essential tools

Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 gives you the essential tools you need to complete school and household projects efficiently. Whether you're creating outstanding class presentations or managing household finances, Office Home and Student 2010 gives you the tools you need for the things you do most.

Four programs for productivity

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Excel 2010 Excel 2010
  • Build a budget and track expenses with easy-to-use graphs and analysis tools that bring your finances into focus fast
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PowerPoint 2010 PowerPoint 2010
  • Create dynamic presentations to engage and inspire your audience
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OneNote 2010 OneNote 2010
  • Organize, store, and search your ideas, information, and notes in one place
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  • Explore and organize your notebooks more effectively with an enhanced navigation bar, and new multi-level page groups

Monday, December 26, 2011

Form and Specifications AMD Radeon HD 7970 VGA Circulating on the Internet

After rumors about the launch date of AMD's Radeon HD 7970, we met a few websites now display slide presentations that show how the shape and spesifkasi used by the AMD HD 7970. Here are some pictures that we managed to quote from some website.

In the picture above shows the form of graphics cards AMD Radeon HD 7900 series. Visible AMD HD 7900 uses a dual-slot cooling design with blower type fan. AMD uses a new design on the lid HSF AMD HD 7900 remains with the characteristic black and red color combination. Hot air exhaust slots now have a larger size than the previous generation, HD 6900, which measures just half the width graphics card.

Yes, this specification will be used by the AMD HD 7970. AMD HD 7970 XT Tahiti GPU chips with TSMC's 28 nm fabrication process. Based on the picture above, AMD's HD 7970 features 2048 Stream processors, 32 ROP Units, and 128 Texture Units. AMD HD 7970 uses a new architecture named GCN (Graphics Core Next). AMD HD 7970 features GDDR5 memory type (previously rumored to be using the memory type XDR2) with 3GB of memory bandwidth size of 384-bit (1.5-fold greater than the previous generation). AMD HD 7970 power intake obtained through power connector + 8-pin 6-pin. One interesting thing is the AMD HD 7970 power consumption at idle is less than 3 Watts.

AMD HD 7970 uses the GPU clocked at 925 MHz and memory clock of 5500 MHz. Looks like AMD HD 7970 GPU clock can be increased up to a speed of 1 GHz or more to stay with the reference HSF.

Some other features of the AMD HD 7970 does not seem much different from the AMD HD 6900 series such as attendance and DualBIOS feature two CrossfireX connectors. 7970 using the reference AMD HSF HSF type vapor chamber into six generations of the blower fan is equipped with the latest design. Connector displays the reference AMD HD 7970 is one DVI connector, HDMI, and two mini-Display Port connectors.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Notebook Buying Tips

Earlier this year, we were quite surprised by the variety of changes that make the notebook more mobile in the sense of having a long life durability and performance capable. These changes come from the silicon giant Intel started launching its new graphics processor in the processor die. As not to be outdone, AMD also launched a long-delayed project with the same AMD Fusion with its competitors, making a graphics processor in a power saving.

These changes create the potential notebook users become dizzy, "
Buying a notebook with the specs that how?" In this article, we will give you some tips on choosing a notebook and some new platforms that have been entered into our test kitchen. However, we would not recommend any brand because we have not tested many notebooks that use the new platform. We will just list brands that already we've tested so you can find out its performance.


As we know, the processor is the brains of the laptop or desktop. That's what makes us put it as a starting point. In addition, prospective notebook buyers usually face the question "Want what processor?" When I want to buy a notebook. The following information ..

Intel: Sandy Bridge platform                 

Earlier this year, the official Intel Sandy Bridge platform for mobile devices and desktops. Sandy Bridge will replace the Arrandale is for one year into the brains of the laptop. So, what distinguishes these two platforms? Use Arrandale 32nm fabrication to 45nm for the CPU and GPU. Both are laid in a single processor but still stands alone (see figure). Sandy bridge fabrication using 32nm CPU and 32nm GPU into one of the die. The decline of this fabrication will make more power efficient and more powerful.

Then, if the performance of these two different platforms? It is certain. Intel promised performance increases of up to 30 percent (the ratio of clock per clock) than the previous platform. We had the opportunity to test the performance of Sandy Bridge in the Acer Aspire 5950G notebook, the MSI GT680, HNM Neon Toshiba and Acer Aspire 4750. Three first notebook we tested use Intel's Core i7 is the same but have different specifications innards. Acer Aspire 4750 uses Intel's Core i3 with the graphics in the processor. You can see a comparison of the performance of the four notebooks in table testing Sysmark 2007. There, you can see the performance of a notebook jumped far enough. Is not it interesting to you? In addition to performance, Intel is also kept his promise to create a notebook that has a longer life durability. You can see it in the table MobileMark 2007 test.

Then, how to tips on choosing a notebook that uses the Sandy Bridge platform? It's easy. All you have to consider is naming the processor. For example, using the naming Arrandale "Intel Core i7 740QM", then Sandy Bridge uses names "Intel Core i7 2630QM". The number "2" in front indicates that the processor is installed using the 2nd generation Intel Core i. If not satisfied, you can mengeceknnya via the system property. So make no mistake, both platforms is included in the naming of "Intel Core i" because it still uses the same fabrication. If you want to read more about technology bridges Sandy, can be read at Sandy Bridge Technology in Mobile Computing.


AMD: AMD Fusion

News about AMD Fusion has long become the talk of the internet. Finally, earlier this year, AMD released the Brazos platform. AMD's Fusion project itself is a merger between the CPU (dual core or more) with a GPU in a single die. Merger is intended to get a complete processor with lower TDP. In addition, the GPU also can run multiple applications thus speeding up data processing. AMD calls this generation of processors as the APU (accelerated processing unit).

If you are still confused with the naming of the existing series in AMD, we will slightly explain it to you.
  1. AMD Fusion is the merger project in a single CPU with the GPU die.
  2. AMD Brazos is a platform (a system along with the accessories).
  3. AMD Zacate is a processor (series E) and intended for notebooks.
  4. Ontario is the AMD processor (series C) is intended for netbooks.
AMD Fusion can be found on the market that uses both series processors Zacate and Ontario. For Zacate processor, Jagat Review chance to perform tests on the Acer Aspire 4253 notebook. You can see it on the test results. We also had the arrival of the Acer Aspire One 522 netbook that uses a processor Ontario. Honestly, our thumbs-up to the processor on this one. How not very attractive price and performance! This netbook is very cheap price but has a completeness of more than netbooks with the Atom. For clarity, you can read our review on the Acer Aspire One 522.

We can not say which one is best. Both processors it occupies a different class. However, if you plan on buying a netbook, it would be nice glancing AMD Ontario processor (C50).

Graphics: NVIDIA/Intel/Radeon


Discrete: Intel GMA 3000 HD

With the presence of Sandy Bridge with integrated GPU on the CPU die, making the Intel GMA HD graphics performance increase. You can see the results of the Intel GPU performance at The "Real" Sandy Bridge On Mobile. In the article, you can see that the current Intel GPU can run many 3D games quite smoothly at resolutions and settings of the particular. This is quite encouraging considering the previous Intel graphics can not do it at all. But wait, it seems to apply when you use an upper-class processor because Intel GMA HD performance seems to depend completely on the CPU.

We conducted tests to notebooks that use Intel Core i7 and Core i3. For notebooks with Intel Core i3, Intel graphics seem to decline (see the article Acer Aspire 4750). Although the results are not as firm as when using the Intel Core i7 processors, but still qualified to run 3D games. Another advantage of the latest Intel GPU is the QuickSync that will accelerate the process of encoding videos using encoding programs that support QuickSync (see the article The "Real" Sandy Bridge On Mobile). One thing that benefit from discrete graphics is more power efficient. 

Non-Discrete: NVIDIA vs. AMD

You need to have a high performance graphics? So, you can drop option to the two graphics giants, AMD and NVIDIA. It is inevitable that these two brands are quite qualified to run a variety of 3D games and in the setting of the specified resolution. However, you need to remember is this wasteful of graphics power. For AMD, choose one that uses graphics Radeon series 5 and 6 series NVIDIA middle class or middle class 4 and 5. Why we recommend that the middle class? So that performance is not far adrift with Intel GMA graphics HD3000.

In addition to running 3D games, both brands can also be used to speed up some applications that support it, such as video encoding, Photoshop display a lighter, and so forth.


Upgrading memory is the most frequently performed, considering the SODIMM memory is now very cheap and affordable. The addition of memory will make your application respond better than before the upgrade. All you have to remember is the addition of this memory should refer to the OS 32bit or 64bit. In Windows 32 bits, the maximum memory that can be read only up to 3 GB and Windows 64 bit can read more than 3 GB of memory. We recommend that you upgrade as needed. For everyday use with Windows 32 bit, we think that 2 GB is enough.

Storage: Hard disk vs SSD

The bigger the better. This section is the most rare in the upgrade. Even if you are short of storage capacity, you are definitely going to buy external storage than replace existing with larger capacity. But wait. The development of notebook storage is now shifted into SSD (solid state drive). In an SSD there are only a few controllers and memory. This makes it superior to the hard disk that still uses mechanical. SSDs are created to be able to withstand extreme vibration when in use and have read and write speeds are fast.
The downside of SSDs is the price is quite expensive with a capacity that is still small. However, you can get some advantages, such as:
  • When loading windows and applications more quickly.
  • Shockproof.
  • The increased performance.

These things have we proved in the article "Advantages Upgrade Notebook Hard Disk". In the article, you will notice a difference when using the hard disk and SSD. We guarantee you'll think to upgrade your storage with SSD.

Operation System: Keep Original

We encourage you to buy a notebook or netbook with original operation system. In addition it is safer to bring the device out of the country, you also can update periodically so that any security holes that leak can be patched. In addition, usually a notebook or netbook with the original OS Recovery Utility included so you can recover the Windows easily with just one button. The price offered by a mobile device with the original OS is usually more expensive than without OS. However, you should calculate the price of the original OS that becomes cheaper as bundled with the device. Of course, you will pay more if purchased separately original OS.